About Me

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Bonn, Germany
20 year-old blogger from Bonn, Germany with a passion for fashion, styling & make up. I love literature (Shakespeare, Goethe, Dostojewski & Tolstoi are a MUST!), traveling, different cultures & meeting new people. Even though I was born in Germany I'm of Romanian descent & proud of it. I'll be posting & blogging about everything I freaking want.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

[Around The World #8] Travnik, Bosnia and Herzegovina. 2012.

Dobar dan! :)

Travnik is a lovely little city with gorgeous buildings and nice people. Also it's a town twinned with Leipizig, Germany. The same day we went to Mostar and Međugorje we stopped there since the guys promised us that Travnik has the by far best ćevapčići around (the Travnički ćevapi– absolutely true. If you look at a map you will see that Travnik was not on our way from Mostar to Zenica but we went anyways and got there - crabwise. It kind of overran its time but was well worth it.
The next day me and my mom decided to go again, to see the city by daylight and mostly to visit Ivo Andrić’s birthplace. If you don’t know Ivo Andrić you have literally been living under a rock all of your life. Go and check him out. He is one of the most important Bosnian/Yugoslav novelists. In 1961 he won the Nobel Price in Literature for "The Bridge on the Drina“ which is an awesome book – even though it’s not my favorite, that would be "The Woman from Sarajevo".
It is important to know that he didn't live in the house we visited (which is now a lovely little museum) but was born there.
Travnik was the principal city and military centre of the Ottoman Empire as you can find out on Bhtourism. Therefore it is one of the most oriental towns of BiH - which makes me love it even more since everything oriental attracts me like bees to honey. Visitors even called it "European Istanbul" (for reference check the link above). No wonder Andrić was fascinated by his birthplace and referred to his town's history in his work.

After running around, doing a little shopping etc. we headed back to Zenica where we were invited for a DELICIOUS dinner and talked the night through (well almost). 


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