About Me

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Bonn, Germany
20 year-old blogger from Bonn, Germany with a passion for fashion, styling & make up. I love literature (Shakespeare, Goethe, Dostojewski & Tolstoi are a MUST!), traveling, different cultures & meeting new people. Even though I was born in Germany I'm of Romanian descent & proud of it. I'll be posting & blogging about everything I freaking want.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year. New Life.

Last year has been a challenge, a beginning, an end & most of all a success. I graduated from high school with the best results in my family history (so far). I finally decided what I want to do. I worked more than I ever did. I chilled more than I ever did. I loved harder than I ever did. I fell harder than I ever did. I stood up again faster than I ever did. "I spoke my mind & didn't stutter one time." I finally know my worth & I won't ever settle for less than I deserve again. I got rid of some unnecessary dead weight. While I erased a lot of people out of my life I also met new people & made new friends, people I never ever want to lose again (you know who you are..). I became part of the best team in the entire world (S/O to Team LoLa Monroe!). At the same time I put my trust in people I shouldn't have. They let me down but I learned a lot. I don't regret anything. I found love in the darkest places & someone who looked out for me when no one else did. I learned how to love again. I lived my passions out like I never did before. And maybe I got one step closer to finding myself. Do I want to change anything next year? YES! If I gave 110 % last year, I'll give 200 % the upcoming one. I feel like this is MY year. I'm not even playing... If you don't like me better hide under a rock because I will put my heart & all my effort in making it BIG. 

I wish all of you guys a HAPPY NEW YEAR! May all your dreams come true. : ) 

Last but not least... The philosophy I'll try to live by next year:

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