About Me

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Bonn, Germany
20 year-old blogger from Bonn, Germany with a passion for fashion, styling & make up. I love literature (Shakespeare, Goethe, Dostojewski & Tolstoi are a MUST!), traveling, different cultures & meeting new people. Even though I was born in Germany I'm of Romanian descent & proud of it. I'll be posting & blogging about everything I freaking want.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

[Around the world #11], Dubrovnik, Croatia. 2013.

Aloha everyone!

After two weeks of not doing anything "productive" and two weeks of "work" in Banja Luka (yes I've arrived here almost two weeks ago but also spent a lot of time back in Zenica, 6 days in total) I finally sit down and write again: The post about Dubrovnik which is more than loooong overdue. 
Actually it is not true... I did something productive: Holidays. For two weeks I've stayed with my bf and friends in Zenica/Nemila, enjoying my break before I went back to work. Most importantly we celebrated the 1st of May which is quite big here. 

About my new "work" (it's just three days and pure fun which is why I wouldn't necessarily call it work) in BL. I tutor German philology students from the 2nd year and help them with their speaking/writing skills.

Back to the topic of this post: My trip to Dubrovnik with the phenomenal Brittany Patridge, the woman who is probably in Washington right now, planning to take over the world. - I know you young lady. ;) 
Even though we just went for a weekend it was great fun and a great way to escape the city for some time and see the ocean. For me the fresh air was extremely good since I caught a bad cold the week before. The sea helped me to recover from all that. 

We arrived on Friday, actually Saturday morning at around 1 am, and were lucky to still get into the hostel since we were supposed to be there before 11pm. Guys? I would have not slept outside. Y'all don't even know.
The next morning we stood up early, had breakfast and then decided to head for the harbour. There we went to the aquarium (kind of frustrating because it literally consisted out of two rooms) and after that caught a boat which took us to the island 'Lokrum'. It was beyond lovely as you'll see in the pictures. THAT WATER. It was a little piece of paradise even though there is this one legend about the island: If you take something away with you, you are going to die. Charming. Well - we didn't take anything. We just fed the peacocks (YES!), took pictures and had coffee/ice cream/a snack and went back.
On the mainland we got a ticket which allowed us to visit all of the museums the city has to offer. We visited two or three of them since they are - like the aquarium - not that big. Of course I also hit up a jewelry store to buy a gorgeous Virgin Mary necklace as well as an evil eye bracelet. Later we went for another coffee + ice cream and I went to a church to do some "V.M.-hunting". ;) 
In the hostel we met another American: a guy from Texas - Tony - who was making a trip around the Balkans and stayed in Sarajevo before, like us. Together we went for pizza, went to the seaside and had drinks later (after Brittany's HUGE shopping trip at Nike).

The next morning Britt & I took a walk around the city - literally - on the walls since the entire city is surrounded by a big wall you can walk on. Luckily we're students which made the entire thing quite inexpensive for us - what a surprise since Dubrovnik is ridiculous when it comes to prices. We took even more pictures and had a fun experience:
The guy who checked our tickets in the beginning, an elderly man, ran up to us after we finished our tour and asked:

"I am sorry but I was wondering whether or not I spoke to you in the right language (English). Where are you coming from?"
Britt: "Uhm yes... I am from the States and she is from Germany."
"Oh good. I was scared. I thought I should have talked to you in French... You have a sophisticated style in fashion. You look quite French, too."
We weren't sure whether that was supposed to be a compliment or not but we were charmed. ;)
Finally we went back to the seaside, bathed in the sun and had something to eat before we got picked up by Brittany's co-worker (Amina) and her bf who took us to Dubrovnik and back to Sarajevo. 

All in all it was a lovely experience. Me and Britt definitely want to go back. Most of all: we came to the conclusion that we have to do more traveling together (Belgium!!!). Also, I said that I want to go to Dubrovnik for my honeymoon - even though I've heard that there are even more beautiful places at Croatia's coast. I have to see all of them - ako Bog da. ;)

I promise to update more frequently. Me and my roommates in BL agreed on taking of pictures of each other - meaning: FASHION. Also I have some pictures Brittany took during our stay in BiH and Croatia. 

A billion hugs and kisses.



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