About Me

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Bonn, Germany
20 year-old blogger from Bonn, Germany with a passion for fashion, styling & make up. I love literature (Shakespeare, Goethe, Dostojewski & Tolstoi are a MUST!), traveling, different cultures & meeting new people. Even though I was born in Germany I'm of Romanian descent & proud of it. I'll be posting & blogging about everything I freaking want.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

[Around The World #1] Jena & Weimar, Germany. 2012.

Alo ladies & gents!

I am sorry for my lack of posts but I've been pretty busy lately. Also, I don't feel like posting much about fashion at the moment. I remember a quote from Sue Monk Kidd's "The Secret Life Of Bees":

"Some things don't matter much. Like the color of a house. How big is that in the overall scheme of life? But lifting a person's heart - now, that matters. The whole problem with people is...they know what matters, but they don't choose it...The hardest thing on earth is choosing what matters."

I think this can also be applied to the fashion industry. I still love fashion, don't get me wrong, but how can your biggest problem be the color of a blouse or the fit of a skirt if people all around the globe are dying? I know what people might say about me right now but I honestly don't give two f*cks. I will still do posts on fashion but as for now: I just don't feel like it. (And ey, I still have my tumblr! That's fashion at its finest peeps... I'm just saying...)

Which brings me to the actual topic: My trip to Jena - my FUTURE HOME! Yes people, it is official. I will start studying at the Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena in September. I was accepted for all of the courses I applied for in the UK. Also for 'Fashion Styling' which was the most important one for me. After thinking about it for a long time and basically  for the same reason & opinion I just stated I decided to reject the offer. I heard a lot of people telling me "that I made a mistake". How mad they are at me for "giving up my dream". Excuse me - none of y'all know anything about my dream. 'In the overall scheme of life', fashion is just not THAT important to me. I want to change something, help people. Plus, as often as I do make up & styling for my friends, I can still do it as a hobby.
Anyways, I chose to study south-east-European studies & Slavic studies. Which ends up with me learning three more languages (or improving one and learning two new ones) which I am absolutely excited about. Furthermore I will learn more about Eastern European culture, the culture my own family is/was a part from.
For those people telling me: "Why don't you do something you can actually gain good money with?" You know what? First of all: You can only be GREAT at your job and, as a matter of fact, GAIN a lot of money if you LOVE what you do. Secondly: A person who's fluent in eight languages - important ones - doesn't get a job? WATCH ME! 

My mom, Charlotte and me decided to go on a short trip to Jena to get more & needed information and to take a look around the city. You know, I DO want to look a gift horse in the mouth. I surely wouldn't move to a city if I didn't like it there at all. Well - in this case I probably would have, since it is one of the only possibilities out here to take a course like this. Gladly: I ADORED the city! :-) 
After working my way through all of my appointments we took a walk around town, went to a lovely little café next to the university, got to the hotel, went out for dinner & ended up having a nice evening at the hotel bar.

The next day, after a marvelous breakfast, we decided to visit Weimar before driving back home again. In Weimar we basically just trudged around all the sights which had me in awe. Every German, no really EVERYONE should go there and learn. It is such an important place for German history, literature & culture. Weimar Classicism as a term itself says it all. Goethe, Schiller, Herder... names you should know & be fond of.

I will not go into further detail because I am rambling already. 

One more thing: I decided to do more posts called  "[Around The World #XY]". I will post pictures and talk a little about places I have been to. I might even do "Guest Around The World" posts (IDK what to call it by now). I think this is an amazing opportunity to share some of my experiences, and other people's experiences with y'all. Be on the look-out for that.

Peace, love & Jena for all!
Yours, Lea.

P.S. ALERT! Yes, I took a lot of pictures around the old graveyard in Weimar. Judge me but I always feel comfortable around graveyards. They spread peace and calmness plus I adore the buildings. Yes - I am a creep ;-)


Jena, 4/12/2012
Mommy : )
 I was tired as ever... don't judge me.
 In the cutest lil café in town...

 The university.
Dinner time.
 The restaurant.

Weimar, 4/13/2012

 The old graveyard...
 I thought this was beautiful.

Church of the Holy Mary Magdalene, Berlin diocese Russian Orthodox Church of the Muscovite Patriarchate. Mausoleum of the Grand Duchess of Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach Maria Pawlowna (1786-1859).
Isn't it just lovely?
  Last resting-place of Goethe's family. Unfortunately we didn't manage to see his grave.
Now - this is SUPER 'GDR(DDR)-ish' but I still thought it was absolutely lovely. The translation: "Comrades in youth, life & grave."
 Saw this & had to take the pic...
 I wanted to take a ride sooooo bad.
 Hey guys!
 Rocking good ol' Raphael : )
 Charlotte posing in front of her new 5* hotel.

Goethe's garden.

And last but not least: Some of the pictures my mom took in Weimar :)

 Goethe's home, view from his infamous garden.
 Charlotte looks super excited!

Goethe’s Home with Goethe National Museum

 Um... Yea. IDK.
 Herder... Oh how you've annoyed me in school. Still - I respect your hustle. ;-)
Chilling in Goethe's garden.